VW Volkswagen Currywurst As Presented by Richard Hammond
…on Discovery Channel January 21st 2020

The original Volkswagen Currywurst as presented by Richard Hammond on Discovery-UK on January 21st 2020. This is the world’s most iconic sausage! Produced since 45 years – VW sells more sausages than cars. Watch it on YouTube now!
The secret of the VW Currywurst is its high quality ingredients and the best meat – with only 20% fat. The top secret spice mixture gives the VW sausage their incomparably great taste!
That iconic lunch item (along with its accompanying ketchup) is now available to purchase from The Sausage Man — not just to businesses across the UK, but to retail customers also.
“We had to offer such a unique opportunity to try the Volkswagen Currywurst to consumers, too.” Assures Michael Juska, Sales Director at The Sausage Man.
“With Richard Hammond featuring the sausage in his new show, I’m sure so many viewers will be curious to try. It fits in perfectly as a guest to our existing line of premium sausages.” He continues.
So, why not try a little slice of history in an everyday German delicacy? See what fuels the making of the everyman’s car and try your Volkswagen Currywurst from The Sausage Man today. Visit us at www.sausageman.co.uk or give our team a call on 0132 867 060.
The iconic Volkswagen Currywurst is available to buy now from The Sausage Man.
Volkswagen Original Part, 199 398 500 A, this unique sausage is available exclusively from us (at the time of writing).
This sausage goes great on the grill, or pan fried – as long as you have a big enough pan. At 25cm long, you’ll need some plus-sized buns too if you plan to pack it all in!
VW Curry Ketchup
The delicious VW Curry-Ketchup is another Sausage Man exclusive. With exactly the right balance of spice and sweet, this sauce is not to be missed!
Part number 199 398 500 B, this sauce is a tangy sweet/sour mix that makes any Currywurst even better.
Serve on the side, top off your hot dog, or coat your sliced sausage with it street food style!
You might be surprised to find that Volkswagen’s part number 199 398 500 A is not intended for your car. It’s actually for the hardworking factory attendants working on your brand-new Volkswagen vehicle. It isn’t mechanical, man-made, or anything like what you would expect from the car-making giant. At the factory canteens it comes slathered in the car manufacturer’s very own VW Curry Ketchup, usually with a side of chips.
The Volkswagen Currywurst – a sausage dubbed “the most iconic in the world” – most recently featured in Richard Hammond’s new Discovery Channel show Big. The well-known presenter takes a look at some of the biggest infrastructures in the world, and just what goes into their upkeep.
Made in Volkswagen’s Wolfsburg plant, where food has been produced on site for its workers since opening in 1938, the flavoursome Currywurst has seen consistent increase in demand and intrigue. UK audiences first feasted their eyes upon the most unusually lucrative business venture the car manufacturer has undertaken on January 21st 2020.
The Sausage Man UK Ltd is the UK’s leading wholesaler and importer of German Sausages and Hot Dogs. The company now sells over 10 million sausages per year.
We work together with the best and biggest producers in Germany, who also produce for leading retailers in Germany and Europe.